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Praying to a Black God.

On Poetry

Two weeks ago Spoken Word took place in the place where my love for performance art first emerged, the College of the Arts Theater School. The place where I had my first acting classes at the age of 9, the stage where I recited my first Spoken Word poem, the place where I acted in my first play outside of the University of Namibia. The quaint theater school holds so many cherished memories, but more than that it is a place of comfort, a space of power and transformation. Needless to say, I felt at home performing at the show, which took place last week Wednesday. Other than that, I've taken some time to reflect on my writing process and I love where I'm at right now, poetically speaking. I feel as though I am soaring upon the wings of eagles through winds of transcendence and authentic expression. Here is the piece I performed on Wednesday in both the written and Spoken Word. The opening song that I'm singing is from the chorus of Blk Girl Soldier by Jamilla Woods, ( a song that she wrote, out of the need for black women to have their own anthem. I owe so much of my journey toward becoming an empowered black woman to her music and I was so humbled to be able to use some of her words and melodies as an intro to my poem entitled Praying to a Black God:

Who can perform magic and miracles like black girls do?  See I think that Jesus Christ was a black woman. Coz who else can carry the weight of the world on her shoulders and use 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish to make sure a family of thousands gets to eat. Who would walk on water to keep her edges in tact and shrinkage at bay? Who can carry the cross of apartheid, slavery & colonialism & still love & look like God himself Tell me who transforms her body into a home to grow and create fields of seeds sprouting into black kings. Who can bathe in the sun rays for 40 days and bloom like you do? Who else is present in every element in nature? Black woman I see you in the hue of the land I see your smile and glow in the moon and your eyes in the stars. I hear your voice when the wind sings In every atom molecule and element  Black woman you are my universe. I seek your wisdom and heed your words in every single bible verse. I see your body as more sacred than a temple, holier than church &  Stronger than every rock they tried to stone you with. See these men they would shoot you when you're defiant & even shoot you when you're compliant & quiet coz your power is fierce and your soul is heavenly. These patriarchs who tortured you they burnt you at the stake coz they can't handle black magic. They crucified you coz they refused to see the miracles of your witchcraft. Buried you for days coz their ignorance wouldn't let them see you RISE like the sun. I call you the sun of God coz you shine like one Kings of kings coz you father kings abandoned by men Light of the world coz without your darkness there is no light. Queen empress almighty goddess Your melanin is the way light and the truth. Every word you speak is like a prayer That I cling onto til Queendom come And fight the world for the wrongs they committed against you until your will be done for your coils and curls are my temptation It is your peace and glory that will lead us from the temptation and evils of  White lies Manslaughter Manhandling And the manure of the world May your light lift us into skies of serenity To our rightful place as God's of the earth  Sister's of the soul Guardians of the children  Mermaids of the ocean  Women of magic and miracles Forever healing Forever growing Forever glowing Amen

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